Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The Key to Life

Now before I begin my rant and tell you all where the key is and how to use it let me ask you one question.

How many of you actually know where the lock is?

Huh... you say, but it is simple where is the lock of life that we as a race have spent almost an eternity searching for the key to life. Every second being is looking for the key, the answer. The answer to why we are here and what is our purpose as somebody has got us all believing that our life is about more than just eating, shitting and dying.

Very true indeed, it is about more. It is about owning the latest I phone, having the fastest car, owning the biggest house (which by the way nobody does anymore, the bank own everything but that’s another story, you’re simply renting your life from the bank) where was I... oh yeah having the most fashionable clothes, eating at the best restaurant and then if we have time from all this, shitting and eventually dying. Now for those of you that feel death is a morbid subject, you may want to reconsider reading further. As death is the only thing about life that can be guaranteed and the only certain truth. And for those of you that have already labelled me a twisted, deranged weirdo, in order to define yourself. I forgive you as I understand you need to measure your sanity against something and define who you are as oppose to who you are Whatever helps you sleep at night is fine by me.

However for the record I am not obsessed with death or even bothered about it as it is something I cannot control or avoid too many times, as was clearly illustrated in all The Final Destination films and for those of you that really didn’t see it coming, they went and did again in 3D. I am more passionate about living but I value your opinion none the less, the same way I value that sometimes the toilet will get blocked and you just have to put up with the shit a bit longer.

Anyway back to the key, lock and the answer to why. We all feel we need to find the answer to why we are here. But why do you need the answer, if I give you the answer will you drop everything you do and finally live in peace in The Little House on the Prairie with the white picket fences. No you won’t you will wake up tomorrow and do the same shit all over again and then moan at the end of the day how life use to be great. Which by the way you will say about today too in the future at some point, but why can’t you say life is great today rather waiting a year and then crying about the good old days. Same reason why you just can’t accept the fact that you are here rather than constantly asking why you’re here. I mean think about it, did you have a say about coming into this world, no you didn’t you are the result of somebody thinking that bumping ugly and have having a child will complete their life. But did you complete their life?

When you have absolutely no say in the fact that you exist and the bigger fact that at some point you will seize to exist, why the hell can you not accept that you just exist. No you need an answer and a goal, and answer you already know and a goal that once you reach will no longer be good enough for you. That’s why don’t set goals as they are just limits to what you can really achieve if you just lived passionately. You know exactly why your here and what you need to do, but you won’t do it as you don’t want to be left behind in the rat race of achievement. But what do you truly achieve, let’s face it, you come alone, you go alone, you come with nothing and eventually leave with nothing so what is it about making, building and acquiring all this shit that you kill yourself for when eventually it amounts to nothing.

If your still looking for the answer and the key, let me spell it out for you because if you haven’t got it by now it’s highly unlikely you’re going to anytime soon. So your goal is a simple one, take each day as it comes and your only aim every day is to be a better person than the previous day. That’s it, you’re only aim is to be the best, the kindest human being you possibly can be.

As for the key, I’ll point you towards the lock and you will find the key. The lock in life is you, you lock yourself in and away from what you should be doing either due to fear of failure or simply to fit in. Just accept that you simply are and how can you not fit in? We are all products of the same act that come and go in the same way. Change the way you perceive your problems, your achievements, your goals and your life and you will unlock the mystery of life. A simple question and you will believe me. You have been doing what you have and living the way you do all your life, the question is, has it worked for you. If the answer is yes, then you have the key and there is no lock and if the answer is no then there is no key and you are the lock.

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