Friday, 29 October 2010

The time I flew....

The time I wanted to fly... well that time was a few seconds ago... in fact that time is now. I’ve always wanted to fly, not just in a plane though (although I find freedom from self, when doing so, read previous blog). I have always wanted, wished, dreamt, yearned to be able to free fly.
I hear you ask. Well because most of us can’t, and ever since I was a child and I am sure there are plenty more people out there who thought the same at some point, I have wanted to fly. Now this is not an illusion of grandeur about wanting to be a superhero or saving the world, (although I am gonna do that too) this is just a wish I want for myself. Maybe I am delusional but I believe we have the ability (now I can’t prove this scientifically either) to fly but as we don’t really use or brain to its full capacity we simply walk, run or drive.
What would I do if I could fly?
I hear you ask. Yes I have the ability to hear things you’re not actually saying, noooooooooo... It’s not an illness I tell you it is in fact a superpower. Anyway I hear you, well if I could fly I would... well fly. What else do you think I would do, walk? It depends on how much energy it takes. As in we can run which is faster but we walk instead. Now I am sure you would burn more calories flying then running. (Yes and I do see those of you seriously contemplating taking up flying)
I am sure once I have flown; it will be a natural progression in to being a superhero and saving the world, in the stereotypical definition of saving the world. However it doesn’t take special abilities to save the world or superpowers. As we have the ability and power to destroy the world, so we definitely have the ability and power to save it too, all it takes is using a bit more of your brain than you already do. Sounds easy but I haven’t met many people who do it, use their brain I mean. If I gave you all the choice to save or destroy the world, I would like to believe that most of you would choose to save it. Why do I believe that, I am naive I guess. As I know through personal experience and self awareness we make the choices that are destroying the world every single day. We includes me too.

I hear you ask. Conditioning.... That’s why. You, I, your neighbour, your family, your partner, your teacher, your friend, your fantasy and even your end. Yes even the way we choose to live out our end is a conditioned way to, well shit on what we have been conditioned to shit over all our lives. Hence we are all conditioned to destroy the world. As I believe our world is in our head, I guess we’re conditioned to destroy our mind. This in the end is self defeating as we don’t use it in the first place. Now before you think I am raving lunatic (and let me tell you, I am) let me set one thing straight. I am not talking about saving the world with energy efficiency, saving resources and wiping your arse with recycled and reusable paper. That’s right, wipe each other’s arse and you will save the world. No not all that crap that we don’t seem to pay any attention to anyway (although we should) I am talking about saving yourself to save the world. Therefore, who is gonna save the world..... I am!!!
I hear you wonder. Yes I can even hear what you are wondering. With all this hearing you would think I am a great listener, but no, I am a better talker as I like the sound of my own voice. Anyhow back to the task at hand, saving the world.
As I keep saying we live in our own heads, as in our own world, how do we save our own world? Firstly what does our conditioning force us to do, no it’s not as simple as it makes us selfish and worry only about ourselves. So if we all loved one another and held hands while we shitted in the fields we are on our way to saving mankind as we know it. That is not the answer (although if shitting in the fields while holding hands rocks your boat, then don’t let me stop you.) Our conditioning, from every institution known to mankind, conditions us to screw ourselves and be miserable. I mean think about it, why else would you have got this far into the blog?
In some innate, small part of your unused mind, you thought I was going to give you the answer to saving the world (although keep reading, because I am gonna giving you the answer, as soon as I stop confusing myself by reading what I’ve just written.) Why are you looking for answers, because no matter how strong the conditioning, we simply want to do what makes us happy. All though not many know what does make them happy, and it’s not good grades, marriage, great job, new car, your partner, sex (although it’s the only thing that does give the lucky ones that momentary feeling of satisfaction out of life.) None of the above is the answer.
The answer to all the questions, the answer to saving the world, yourself and your precious little unused mind is a simple little word that is hard to find in most of your lives. It’s passion. That is it, just passion. We are too busy setting goals and targets, finding a partner, finding a great job, finding the right house, finding God, or God knows what else, that we lose any passion for life. Life for most people is a chore, do well at school, get great grades, get into a great college, get great grades, get into a great job, get a great partner, have great children, put them in a great school.... and the bloody cycle, the packing line starts again. Why do we forget, what makes all things in life great is, passion. Passion for studying will get you great grades, passion for love will find you a great partner, and passion for your own life will make everything great. Where are those passionate people that lived and died for their country, for their love, for their families, for their friends? Where are those great souls that changed the world through their passion?
They’re all lost through conditioning that starts even before your born. Break free, fly free and fly with passion and you will land on your feet. Find the passion, find it for what you want to do. Find the passion for yourself. Find the passion for your body. Find the passion for your soul. Find the passion for your country. Simply find the passion for your fellow man and you will find the passion for this world. That is the passion that will save this world. Not money, not science, not technology, not religion, not the government, not even facebook, but passion. Passion will save the world. Live passionately and passion will even make you fly.

Our only goal in life should be to do what we want, passionately.
Setting any other goal is simply a limit to what you can achieve!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Learning English....

Well where do I start. I am currently living in the West Midlands (stop laughing) a place where they claim to speak English, (H)Owever it's English that even the English couldn't understand, they call it Black Country and they (h)ave no concept of H, or pretty much any other letter in the alphabet for that matter. Now this is in no way an attempt to put down or ridicule anybody who speaks Black Country but merely an observation that had me thinking about the English language.
They also seem to make up words: made up word on left and meaning on right:

Wench - Female
Suck - Sweet/ Candy
Cock - Kiddo / Sport type of thing

Now try saying would you like a sweet kiddo in Black country...
How rude

Back to the list

Duck - same as cock (huh)
Bab - Babe/Baby

That’s just the west Mids. I have been lucky enough to live in and grow up on three different continents and learn Different English in all three. I have to say the worst English is spoken in England. Owever that is the English it has been reduced to...

Now lets have a closer look at English itself. A language I have spoken most of life and taken for granted... It was not until I had to teach my son to read that I realised what a stupid concept of a language English really is to those of us that do not understand the concept behind why it is what it is... there are so many things that make no sense to me what so ever. For example

The concept of ch

this combination gives two sounds one found in church / chair and the other found in words like choir / character

now how do i tell a 4 yr old how we decide which sound it is... I don't know I just know that's what the word is. Taken for granted.

No I haven’t finished... although u may want to ang yourself right now anyway...never mind let me finish.

The same with c itself

it makes a see sound as well a k sound
or g it makes a gee sound as well a ga as in granite or geometry

how do we know which one

then we have those stupid silent letters k and p
knife pronounced nife or know
psychology pronounced sychology

how do we know when it is silent...we just take it for granted.

Then we have words like to and go why is one like 2 , shouldn't that make go sound like goo.

I am sure there are plenty of other things too (there's that stupid word again) but I going to or is that pronounced joinj to let u go now or goo now and let you all think about it... i do want an answer though, nobody has ever managed to explain why the language is the way it is. The only thing I can think of is the inability of the English (I am English too before you start) didn't have the ability to create a sufficient enough (oh yeah and gh makes a f sound) alphabet (and ph is f) as I was saying sufficient enough alphabet for support the actual words. 26 measly letters come on....